Hi! I’m Gena, and I created Over Coffee

About me:

I love people and I love my alone time.

When I’m with people I crave connection and authentic interaction and interesting conversations beyond the weather, how are you.

I must admit I’m quirky and it often takes a large effort on my part to be social and practice being completely myself and not hiding behind with the usual mundane conversations we all have or my usual of being quiet. That is why I built this game.

I didn’t realize that reason when I started working on the game. At the time I was going through a life transition and began meditating to ask what was next for me in life. The answer I was given was to build a game. It felt right, so I said yes!

It’s been 9 years since I had that conversation with the divine. We have created many iterations of the game. I say “we” because I couldn’t have done this on my own and I continue to birth this project with others. I’ve met many many amazing people along my path who have contributed to what is now called “OverCoffee®”.

One thing holds true… this game is a perfect structure to go beyond those everyday conversations that keeps us in the mundane and not experiencing deeper connections.

This game requires you to be curious and creative.

To truly experience the magic you must add three ingredients yourself:

  • Courage

  • Vulnerability

  • Openness

If you do that and you may not do it every time because it takes practice, I assert you will be blown away by the person or people in front of you and a deeper sense of belonging will emerge regardless of with whom you are playing.

I would love for you to join me in this endeavor to know ourselves and experience this deep connection that is already there among all people when we are willing to allow others to see us.


I developed this card game to encourage you to go out into the world and socialize! Gena Scurry